IYW Alumni gains fellowship to attend an ivy league school
Oluwatoyosi Adaramodu, a 2018 graduate of the Impact Leaders Club ( ILA ) and the first secretary-general of the Impact Leaders Club, ILC Fuoye chapter, recently gained full fellowship to top U.S. schools, including the Ivy League and will begin her Ph.D. in Biology at the University of Pennsylvania later this year.
Toyosi defended her dissertation and earned a master’s degree in developmental biology from the University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Since leaving ILA, Toyosi has dedicated her time outside of her research to educating people about how to apply to graduate school. She has also recorded success stories among her mentees, including one starting a full scholarship at University College London; this autumn.
Following her experiences at ILA and IYLC Dubai, Oluwatoyosi has always strived to dare the impossible and change history by constantly advocating for the increase of minorities in STEM.

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